
New Zealand has several pieces of policy that have been endorsed by the Cabinet to support open government and the release of open data. These policies and principles are helpful to understand to support agency discussions relating to opening up data and improving transparency.

Declaration on Open and Transparent Government

The Declaration on Open and Transparent Government was approved by Cabinet on 8 August 2011.

An overview of New Zealand data and information principles

This draft guide explains what data and information management principles are, and outlines the principles used in the New Zealand government context.

New Zealand Data and Information Management Principles

How New Zealand's data and information principles work together

This draft guide provides a high-level comparison of the data and information management principles in the New Zealand context, and applies a value lens to the principles.

NZGOAL (New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing) framework

The New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework (NZGOAL) is all-of-government guidance for agencies to follow when releasing copyright works and non-copyright/public domain material for reuse by others. Use this guidance when you intend to release open data.