WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program

Workforce services for eligible adults are available through one of the six core programs authorized by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Adult program serves individuals and helps employers meet their workforce needs. It enables workers to obtain good jobs by providing them with job search assistance and training opportunities.

WIOA establishes a priority requirement with respect to funds allocated to a local area for adult employment and training activities. American Job Center staff, when using WIOA Adult funds to provide individualized career services and training services, must give priority to recipients of public assistance, other low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient. Under WIOA, priority must be implemented regardless of the amount of funds available to provide services in the local area. In addition, veterans receive priority of service in all DOL-funded employment programs.

The Dislocated Worker program is designed to help workers get back to work as quickly as possible and overcome barriers to employment. When individuals become dislocated workers as a result of job loss, mass layoffs, global trade dynamics, or transitions in economic sectors, the Dislocated Worker program provides services to assist them in re-entering the workforce. Services for dislocated workers are integrated and provided through a national network of American Job Centers (AJCs). The AJCs provide significant resources to states to implement workforce education, training, and employment programs and help displaced workers.

One service funded under the Dislocated Worker Program is Rapid Response. Learn more about the Rapid Response program.

Information on these programs, including how to access them locally through an American Job Center, please visit the Career One-Stop website or call ETA's toll-free help line at 1-877-US-2JOBS (TTY: 1-877-872-5627). Services are designed to meet local needs and may vary from state to state. Some services have eligibility requirements; be sure to check with your local American Job Center for details.